Our Village Events
Play Dates Free No purchase required to enroll
Grab the babes & come join us for monthly play dates!
Playgroups might include a craft, story or fun activity. Some playgroups will be specials outings to local fun destinations, such as the library, firehouse or park. Play Dates are typically free or low cost, you do not need to be a member to sign up.
Moms Night Out Free No purchase required to enroll
Join us for our Mom's Night Out Social events. Once a month we will have an event for moms only!
LIT4MOM Free No purchase required to enroll
You get two months to read one book and get a bonus Mom's Night Out to come chat with your favorite mom friends about it! We'll meet to chat about the book (and probably a lot of unrelated things) every other month. So whether you think of LIT as or you should join what's bound to be the most fun book club you've ever been a part of!
New Mama Coffee Chat
Do you have a baby who's less than one year old? Join other local mamas for a chat over coffee (or another drink of your choice) to build your personal village. Coffee Chat locations will vary month to month and are free to attend. You do not need to be a member to join the conversation.
Mama Expert Free From $16 per visit with 20-Class Pass pass No purchase required to enroll
Mamas are stretched thin and there is always so much information swirling around about how to raise our children "the right way". At FIT4MOM East DuPage West Cook we know there is not one single way to be a mama or a family but we also know that leaders in specific fields can play a huge role in the decisions we make as parents. This MAMA EXPERT series has been started to provide Our Village with the resources to make informed decisions regarding their now family.
FREE Mama Expert events may feature moms with great knowledge in a variety of disciplines including but not limited to; Pediatric sleep, pediatric dentistry, car seat safety, child & infant CPR, tech safety, bullying, and more.
So, clear your schedule, grab a girlfriend and come out for a free and informational night out with other women in the area.
FREE Mama Expert events may feature moms with great knowledge in a variety of disciplines including but not limited to; Pediatric sleep, pediatric dentistry, car seat safety, child & infant CPR, tech safety, bullying, and more.
So, clear your schedule, grab a girlfriend and come out for a free and informational night out with other women in the area.